Trade & Exchange cryptocurrency

Investing in your financial freedom. Let our new AI financial software work to help you achieve your dreams

Earn up to $80 worth
of crypto

Diversify your cryptocurrency portfolio — stake your cryptocurrencies and earn upto 70% APY.

Start Earning

Create your cryptocurrency portfolio today

Storing your assets on Tradebrokerx ensures that your assets are covered with industry-leading protections.

  • Insurance against theft of Digital Assets from our hot wallet, backed by world-class underwriters.

  • Extensive internal controls in our production and storage environments.

  • Tradebrokerx continually upgrades our wallet infrastructure to support new currencies, and optimize for customer experience and network usage.

  • Tradebrokerx delivers an easy-to-use storage experience, but we’re always here to help customers

At TradeBroker X, we leverage cutting-edge AI technologies to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of finance. One of our key innovations is the integration of DeepSeek AI, a powerful AI-driven analytics tool that helps us decode market dynamics with unprecedented accuracy. DeepSeek enables us to analyze vast amounts of financial data in real time, identifying trends, correlations, and anomalies across various asset classes. By applying advanced machine learning models, we gain deep insights into stocks, bonds, commodities, forex, and derivatives, allowing us to make informed trading decisions.

Key benefits of our DeepSeek-powered approach:
  • Market Sentiment Analysis

  • Algorithmic Trading Optimization

  • Risk Assessment & Mitigation

  • Predictive Analytics

Through our partnership with DeepSeek AI, TradeBroker X is redefining how financial markets are analyzed, ensuring that our clients and traders make smarter, data-driven decisions in an ever-evolving financial landscape.

Our pricing plans

Our pricing plan is well crafted so that everyone can participate


Min Deposit $500
Max Deposit $4,999
Profit 3%
Duration 1 day
Withdraw Type Instant
Customer Support 24/7


Min Deposit $5,000
Max Deposit $49,999
Profit 6%
Duration 1 day
Withdraw Type Instant
Customer Support 24/7


Min Deposit $50,000
Max Deposit $99,999
Profit 12%
Duration 2 days
Withdraw Type Instant
Customer Support 24/7


Min Deposit $100,000
Max Deposit Unlimited
Profit 15%
Duration 2 days
Withdraw Type Instant
Customer Support 24/7

The most trusted cryptocurrency platform

Here are a few reasons why you should choose Tradebrokerx

Hardware security keys

With Tradebrokerx you can secure your account with a hardware security key via WebAuthn.

Insurance coverage

All crypto held online in our exchange wallet is insured and we use best-in-industry cold storage coverage.

Industry best practices

Whether you’re an experienced trader or a beginner, Tradebrokerx has all the tools you need to exchange and store your crypto.


Total Volume Traded


Countries supported


Verified Users


John from Milwaukee WI USA - Starting out I was a little sceptical of investing here, but after the first month I was able to make enough money to pay off my car.

Lilly from Norwich, UK Cheers for the opportunity to invest and make a bit of money here. Really appreciate the chance, and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes. Here's to a successful venture-thanks again!

Get started in a few minutes

Tradebrokerx supports a variety of the most popular digital currencies

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Create an account
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Fund your wallet
Start trading & earning

Get Started Today With Tradebrokerx

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